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Is it time to let go?

Every fucking time I feel even a tiny bit relaxed about this fucking nightmare some bastard transbomb fucks us over again. I give up. I think there's no more I can do. I'm done. 😞 I can't even look at her just now. I'm just going to have to leave them both to the destruction of themselves.  My therapist is again suggesting it's time to let them get on with their lives and me get on with mine. Basically, stop trying to find ways to help them understand what they've got themselves into and to desist.  Middle 16, who I thought was almost about to maybe be on the path of desistance, has been lying to me for over a year. We thought that she had overcome her need to wear a binder.  I can't believe she's been deceiving me this whole time, again. I had a feeling she was still binding and I straight out asked and she lied to my face. A few times. 😭 I *really* thought she had stopped wearing them over a year ago. I can't believe I had a bit of hope and stupi...

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